Please click on your home school district to find information regarding their transportation policies and procedures. This website will have the most up to date information regarding transportation processes.
3:10-3:30 pm (Monday - Friday) 3:30 pm Club Meetings and Athletic Practices Start (Monday-Friday)
The building opens at 7:00 am any student arriving before 7:30 am must go to the cafeteria for supervision. Drop off for students takes places in the main circle drive. No parent drop off should take place in the back lot or North lot for purposes of traffic flow.
The building closes at 3:30 pm all students need to be picked up by this time.
Bloom-Carroll Local School District does not offer transportation to Bishop Hartley. However, they offer reimbursement in lieu of transportation for the district residents. Please complete and return the linked forms below.
Canal Winchester does not offer busing to Bishop Hartley. Parents need to complete the transportation form and return it to the information listed at the bottom of the form.
Please note there is a deadline of June 30 each year. Eligible requests received by June 30th, 2024 will be approved by the Board of Education. At the end of the school year, attendance will be confirmed and payments will be sent to families.
A Hartley family who lives in the Columbus City School District and wants transportation needs to apply online at and use the Click Here to Begin Your Transportation Request link. Note: if you had transportation from Columbus City Schools this year, you will not need to fill out the registration online.
For consideration of transportation or payment in lieu, families should register for transportation on our Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools website:, which is under the Charter/Non-Public Transportation Request tab. The registration form will begin on April 1, 2025.
Each request will be evaluated for transportation eligibility as prescribed in Ohio Revised Code Section 3327.01.
The school district will contact parents with the decision of eligibility and any necessary paperwork to be completed.
Any and all students that reside in the Groveport Madison School District are required to complete the documents to be eligible for an in lieu of transportation payment. Families will need to provide a copy of their mortgage or lease; the signed form for residency, a copy of a current utility bill, and the completed student form in order to be processed for transportation or payment in lieu (if applicable)
These forms should be returned to the Groveport Transportation Department at 4400 Marketing Place, Suite C, Groveport, OH 43125. The district needs to receive them by June 1, 2025. Parents are required to submit this information every year.
Hamilton Local Schools do not transport to charter schools or private schools, however payment is offered in lieu of transportation.
Parents of students in Hamilton Local School district would need to call the transportation office at 614-491-8044 X 1236 and make a request for the payment in lieu of contract to be mailed to them. They would fill that out and supply the documentation requested to prove residency and then mail that back to us before September 30th.
Pickerington School District offers reimbursement for transportation. Parents will be contact by the transportation office in the Fall semester of the school year and again in the Spring of the school year to complete the necessary two-step paperwork.
Reynoldsburg will be offering Payment in Lieu of Transportation for SY 24/25. All families need to complete the forms linked below. If families are renewing they will still have to fill out the form and turn it in to become eligible for payment.
Families can take or mail completed documents to the Welcome Center located at 1555 Graham Road. At that point proof of residency will be collected and families will receive a letter confirming that they are registered to receive payment in approximately July 2025.
Parents need to contact the South-Western City School District Transportation to get a form for reimbursement. Any family currently enrolled in the reimbursement program need not reapply. You will receive a renewal form in August along with the reimbursement. Only new families need to apply.
All families wanting transportation MUST complete an online form requesting transportation to a non-public school. That form will be posted to our Transportation website by April 1st. The deadline to submit the form is May 31st
Teays Valley Local School district does not offer transportation or reimbursement for travel to Bishop Hartley. You can call the district and inquire about completing an "In Lieu" Transportation request.
It is necessary to have all parents who are requesting bus transportation to Bishop Hartley, fill out the necessary paperwork for their students. Once all forms have been received, a determination for busing will be made. Linked below is the paperwork for the parents to complete.
Historically, students who attend Bishop Hartley High School, eligible for transportation services, are deemed impractical for transportation and offered Payment In Lieu of Transportation (PILOT). These students still follow the process as outlined on the website.
We encourage families to complete this process in July or August to allow processing.