Student Life
House System

House Parent Organization (HPO)

About the HPO

The House Parent Organization (HPO) is a critical component of the House System. The mission of the HPO is to foster parent participation through communication and a sense of belonging while advancing the spirit of the six pillars that are the foundation of Bishop Hartley High School.  Just as every student is in the House System, every parent is a member of the House Parent Organization. Similar in some ways to a home and school association but more dynamic than the traditional parent group, the HPO provides parents with many opportunities to be an active member of the Hartley Family.  Parents provide adult leadership and volunteer support for the numerous events and activities sponsored by the HPO.

More Information

List of 3 items.

  • About the HPO

    The House Parent Organization (HPO) provides parents with many opportunities to be an active member of the Hartley Family. The mission of the HPO is to foster parent participation through communication and a sense of belonging while advancing the spirit of the six pillars that are the foundation of Bishop Hartley High School.  Just as every student is in the House System, every parent is a member of the House Parent Organization. The HPO is similar in some ways to a home and school association, but it is more dynamic than the traditional parent group. The HPO provides parents with any opportunity to be an active member of the Hartley Family.  You will receive information – and are invited to attend – the events sponsored by the HPO. The events are determined and organized by the HPO Leadership Committee. Our current HPO President is Becky Smith. You can contact her at
  • Events

    A variety of events will be held throughout the year as part of the House Parent Organization’s mission to support BHHS. As events near, we will post links where you can sign up to volunteer to help! Some of the events the HPO hosts or helps with include:
    • House Tailgate
    • Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
    • Parent Night Mixer
    • Senior Breakfast
    • Baccalaureate Reception
  • How Can You Help?

    Parent involvement in the House Parent Organization (HPO) is an important component of the House System at Hartley. Just like every student is a member of a House, every parent is a member of the House Parent Organization. The HPO is looking for parents and guardians who are interested in leading or assisting with the exciting and fun events supported by the HPO. With the help of Sign-Up Genius, getting involved is easier than ever. The HPO posts lists of volunteer opportunities and they will be posted here when they are available. For more information about the HPO, please contact email