

Bishop Hartley offers a college preparatory curriculum based on the State of Ohio learning curriculum and Catholic teaching; our graduation requirements meet and exceed state standards. Last year our graduating class earned more than $26.18 million in academic and merit-based scholarships. The ratio of students to teachers is approximately 14:1 and the ratio of students to counselors is approximately 252:1.

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  • Bishop Hartley Grading Scale

    Grade Scale
    We compute grades at Bishop Hartley using the following scales:

    College Preparatory Courses
    A 93 - 100 4.00
    A- 90 - 92 3.70
    B+ 87 - 89 3.30
    B 83 - 86 3.00
    B- 80 - 82 2.70
    C+ 77 – 79 2.30
    C 73 - 76 2.00
    C- 70 - 72 1.70
    D+ 67 - 69 1.30
    D 65 – 66 1.00
    F Below 65 0.00

    Advanced Placement & Honors Courses
    A 90 - 100 4.00
    A- 87 - 89 3.70
    B+ 83 - 86 3.30
    B 80 - 82 3.00
    B- 77 - 79 2.70
    C+ 73 - 76 2.30
    C 70 - 72 2.00
    C- 67 - 69 1.70
    D 65 - 66 1.00
    F Below 65 0.00

    We use a 4.0 scale to calculate grade point averages (GPAs) for all courses except World Languages. We calculate the year average for each course in the following manner:

    Yearlong Courses
    1st Semester: Quarter 1 (45%) + Quarter 2 (45%) + Exam 1 (10%)
    2nd Semester: Quarter 3 (45%) + Quarter 4 (45%) + Exam 2 (10%)
    Year: 1st Semester (50%) + 2nd Semester (50%)

    Semester Long Courses
    1st Semester: Quarter 1 (50%) + Quarter 2 (50%)
    2nd Semester: Quarter 3 (50%) + Quarter 4 (50%)

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  • Graduation Requirements

    State Graduation Requirements

    Required Credits
    Theology* 4.0
    English 4.0
    Mathematics ** 4.0
    Science 3.0
    History 3.0
    Health 0.5
    Physical Education 0.5
    Art (Visual or Performing) 1.0
    Leadership 1.0
    Electives 4.0
    Minimum credits required for graduation 25.0

    * Bishop Hartley requires 4 years of Theology
    ** Bishop Hartley requires 4 years of Math

    To receive a diploma from an accredited school in Ohio, all students must pass Algebra II.

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