Student Life
Student Services

The Notre Dame Program

The Notre Dame program is a part of the Student Services team who meet weekly to work together to monitor student progress and create action plans to help support students' needs.

Goal of the Notre Dame Program

The goal of the Notre Dame program is to coordinate support for Bishop Hartley students who have a diagnosis that qualifies them to be on a Services Plan, Academic Support Plan, and/or Medical Plan. 

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  • What's in a name

    The Bishop Hartley Notre Dame Program is named in honor of the teaching order of sisters, Notre Dame de Namur, the founding faculty of Bishop Hartley High School at its inception in 1957.

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  • Notre Dame Team

    The Notre Dame team consists of three licensed Intervention Specialists who work closely with each student within the program. The team also collaborates with the school counselors, the school psychologist, the clinical psychologist, nurse, and teachers.

    Together they track student progress, assist teachers in addressing specific needs in the classroom, provide accommodations, and communicate with parents. All members of the team individually support each student to ensure his or her success at Bishop Hartley High School and beyond.

    Contact our Director of The Notre Dame Program, Cara Rezabek

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  • The Bishop Hartley Difference

    All students learn differently.

    The students who are part of the Notre Dame Program take pride in this statement and work very hard to discover how they learn best. Our program is tailored to individual student needs, while creating a learning community in which students feel familial support.

    Prior to students entering Hartley, the Notre Dame team meets with each partner school’s 8th grade teachers and intervention team. Together we discuss all students on a plan to gain knowledge and tools that help each individual student smoothly transition to the secondary level.

    The Notre Dame program supports students in all grade levels. This enables students to form bonds with students outside of their class as well as mentor and support one another.

    Seamless procedures are in place so that no Notre Dame student is ever singled out for needing extra assistance. Students are continually encouraged to self-reflect on their progress throughout the school year, specifically focusing on their effort, study skills, and time management. 

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  • Services Available to Notre Dame Program Students

    • Individual conferences with parents and students as needed to discuss goals and accommodations
    • Small group setting during students’ study hall to focus on personal needs of each student
    • Monitoring of daily assignments
    • Development of organizational skills
    • Small group setting for quizzes, tests, and finals as specified in student’s plan
    • Extended time for quizzes, tests, and finals as specified in student’s plan
    • Clarification of test directions and questions
    • Assistance in class scheduling
    • Tutoring before school or during S.E.E.K.
    • Copy of classroom notes from teacher or peer
Notre Dame Staff