
Application Process & Events

Discover Bishop Hartley

As you consider joining the Bishop Hartley family, rest assured that you will find not just a school, but a home. Our dedicated faculty and staff, along with our engaged student body, create a vibrant environment where faith, academic excellence, and character development thrive.

We invite you to explore all that Bishop Hartley has to offer, and we are confident that you will discover a school community where students can be happy and hardworking, spirited and spiritual, and comfortable and challenged. Bishop Hartley is truly a place where students can consider themselves at home.
 There is limited space available for the 2024-2025 school year. Please be sure to complete your student's application and subsequent Application Checklist by August 5th in order to be considered for enrollment.  

Apply Now

Schedule a Tour

We invite you to schedule a visit to our campus to see firsthand what we’re about. We promise an authentic experience. Contact our Admissions Team to schedule a tour.
(614) 237-5421 ext. 10719

List of 3 items.

  • Fall Open House

    Each year, Bishop Hartley High Schools hosts an Open House for families. At this annual November event, you can hear from our Principal, meet teachers and coaches, learn about our House System, take campus tours, and see what amazing programs and facilities we offer our students.
  • Partner School Visits

    Each fall, Bishop Hartley hosts on-campus School Visits for 8th grade students at our feeder schools. Students get to experience life as a Hawk! Check out the most recent 8th grade visits!
  • Schedule a Student Shadow Day

    In addition to the 8th grade visits coordinated by Catholic Feeder Schools, many students benefit from a “Shadow Day” with an existing student to further experience a “day in the life of” a Bishop Hartley student. Your 8th grade student will have the opportunity to attend class, see the campus during a traditional school day, interact with faculty and staff, meet other students, and eat lunch in the cafeteria. Contact our Admissions Team to schedule a Student Shadow Day.

Ready for the next step?